Saturday, June 1, 2019


I am stunned!

I am absolutely, positively, unquestionably stunned to discover that the existence of the national observation of the contributions to our musical landscape from Black artists during the month of June, was essentially due to President Jimmy Carter, who inaugurated the event in June 1979, marking this year the 40th anniversary of Black Music Month.

For me, this month has always been as much about discoveries as it is about celebration and the acknowledgement of what Black people have created, built and cultivated in the music we love and all music that has been brought into influence and being. So, in essence, and as much as I do thank President Carter for possessing the ability and graciousness to make the month an official event, let's keep the focus upon where it should forever be placed...the Black musicians and artists for without whom, this month--and again, all of the music we love and has shaped our lives--would not exist.

At this time, I invite you to not only perform a tad of detective work to discover the origins of Black Music Month, which incidentally was created by Grammy winning songwriter Kenny Gamble and radio/music industry professional, journalist, activist, and documentarian Dyana Williams. I wish for you, most of all to just take a look through your own music collections and see just how many Black artists, regardless of any musical genre reside as representative of the very music that has shaped you personally.

And then...just listen...all of the threads will connect hereafter and the further discoveries will enhance everything you already love dearly.

As for me, for the past seven years, I have celebrated this month by "playing" songs on WSPC throughout the entirety of June (essentially sharing songs from You Tube to my Facebook page as an on-going 30 day playlist tribute).

Now that I have placed WSPC as an everyday mythical radio station on ice due to life's responsibilities, I feel that I will celebrate this month through two means: placing tributes upon my Facebook page every day via photos and music and secondly, through two full installments of my real word Savage Radio program as heard on WVMO 98.7 FM-The Voice Of Monona.

What I am hoping to achieve is what I hope occurs for you. To bask in the wonderment of these individuals, these Black artists, both alive and those who have passed onwards into the universe, who have been graced with the ability to create and share with the world their gifts from which we are all able to benefit from for all time.

What we have is a legacy which can only be continued through our own discovery and the sharing of our discoveries with others.  So, in honor of all who contributed, let us dance, sing, rock & roll over, shout, testify, exalt and release and always listen...keep listening as we celebrate...

...and as always, especially during this month...PLAY LOUD!!!!!!!!!

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