Wednesday, February 1, 2017



With all of the rapidly encroaching darkness in the world today, I just wanted to take a moment to write to you about the things I love, for without love, what would life be worth at all?

I love my family. That is number one above all else. My wife, my cats, my parents, especially my Father who, despite some long running health problems, has continued pushing forwards and remains as strong sounding as he was throughout most of my life. In all cases, none of the relationships are easy ones as they contain a myriad and mixture of emotions that can carry me to my highest heights and deepest valleys but in the end, the vibrant thumps and the poignant aches are the most powerful for all of them and my entire universe would fall apart for each member is essential to my being. My life would be meaningless without them.

I love my career in the real world as a preschool teacher. In some respects, that statement could be extended to the fact that I love being employed...but that being said, I am thankful that I do have a career that has also provided purpose and meaning to my life for these last 20 years, even though I still wonder if this is what I wish to be doing when I "grow up." The politics of the field frustrate me to no end. The disrespect and lack of acknowledgment of the importance of early childhood education frustrates me even moreso. But, when the relation ships between myself and the children click, it is a feeling like no other. And on the rare occasions that I see a former student many, many years later--and for whatever reason , they even remember me, I am beyond humbled, and beyond speechless, for it becomes a moment when I am ab le to reflect and tin that perhaps I did something right this time.

I love radio. What else is this site but an ongoing ode to my lifelong love of the radio that shaped me--from being a listener to being one that has been blessed to have become a participant. My gratitude for everyone who ever gave me a chance at WLHA, WSUM and WVMO is eternal. The dream continues!!!!

I love writing. I have never made any strains to try and present myself as being a "great" writer. It is just something that has always felt comfortable for me, a comfort that so many people I have known truly struggle with. I like the act of having a puzzle of words swirling around my  brain and somehow figuring out the best way for those words to fit together in the act of expressing myself as well as discovering myself in the process. It is never an easy thing. Creative writing is truly exhausting. Yet, oh the rewards!!! When I can look at the words on a screen or a piece of paper that was once blank, it feels like magic truly exists in the world.

I love the arts. Again, so obvious if you have ever followed me upon this site or my other blogsite Savage Cinema...I know that at many times throughout my life, I have felt (or have even been told) that the arts and my love of films, literature, music and so much more is just a frivolous thing compared to the more serious and "important" areas of life and existence. But really...what could be more serious and important than inspiration, creativity and the sheer force of drive and will to envision and then create something from absolutely nothing? It is a pure representation of the artist's view of life and existence and through the medium of art, where we can also discover like minded individuals or else be further inspired to create even more. The spark of an idea!  Sometimes, I think there is no more powerful thing than an idea. If not, why would there be, and have been, so many to want for nothing more than to stifle if not snuff it out entirely?

Anything at all that you or I love are all things worth fighting for, especially now in this world of encroaching darkness. With that, I send my love to each and all of you for I do love each and all of you. Let's continue to find the love in this world and use that love to protect that love as purely and as valiantly as possible.

And of course, if you have that battle music at the ready, always remember to...PLAY LOUD!!!!!

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