Monday, December 1, 2014



Let me please make this entry of the Session Notes short and sweet for this final month of 2014.

Do you remember those TV ads around Christmas time that implored viewers to "give the gift of music"? Well, I really think that we need to give that gift right now especially as the world seems ot be growing even more turbulent. A few times this year, I have written abut music's healing power, or at least how music has never let me down by always proving itself to be a constant friend. Music has lent me its voice in times of sorrow, grief, illness, rage, despair and of course, times of unabashed joy and euphoria. Whenever there have been those rare times when I just didn't want to hear any music of any kind, music remained patient, always knowing that I would return and it would prove itself to be ready for me when I was ready for it.

Music is unconditional love. Music is beauty. Music is the soul and the spirit of life made into song. I write these words not to just express what it means to me but what I really believe it means to all of us if we just make the opportunity to listen, to treat it with the respect and dignity it deserves and to also treat it as the art form that I believe for it to be and not the innocuous accessory that I am fearing that it is becoming.

Yes, give the gift of music. To loved ones, to cherished friends and family, to children, animals and most of all to yourselves. It is impossible for me to conceive of a world without something as glorious as music and as we travel through December, I hope that we can all take some time to think of the music that has meant the most to us during 2014. I really believe that if you think really hard, even those of you who may not be as passionate about music as others, you may be surprised at how deeply music has reached and shaped you.

My love for music is eternal. My love for music is unshakable. My love for music is essential and indispensable to just living my life.

What is music for you? Let me know. Lines are open...

And as always...PLAY LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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