Friday, December 6, 2013



I feel more than compelled to begin this new month of Synesthesia by offering a few words about both George Harrison and John Lennon, two key fixtures within my life and for many of you out there, I would assume they would represent the same. I have written many words about The Beatles on this site since its inception early this year and I will undoubtedly write many, many more but at this time, and especially as I am re-charging myself after being so rudely interrupted by the technical difficulties of a crashed home computer, the importance both of those men represent to me could not be more paramount.
As I think about both George and John, knowing full well that neither of them are among us in the material world, I do often have to remind myself of this fact as they will forever feel to be so present to me. It makes me sad, certainly, as we are all unable to witness how either of them would have aged, matured and evolved as musicians, singers, songwriters and most importantly as human beings. I would have especially loved to have heard what John would have to say about his life, his spirit and the state of the world in the 21st century, that is if he so chose to even continue making music but of course, that is not to be.
When George Harrison passed away on November 29, 2001 at the age of 58, it was certainly a sad day for me but not unexpected as he had been seriously ill for some time with lung cancer. Furthermore, George had a relationship with his personal spirituality, and death in particular, that made his transition easier to handle as it was something he did not fear, and actually anticipated because he firmly believed that his (and our) spirit would be travelling to a better and higher plane of existence. And so, what could possibly be scary about something he believed to be so beautiful? The older I get, I like to keep George Harrison's viewpoints and spiritual leanings in mind as I also try to formulate my own beliefs and I feel so thankful that while he was with us, he shared his beliefs so openly, honestly and freely and in a non-demonstrative fashion. All he did was to express how he saw the world and what he felt existed beyond all we definitively know and in the most inviting, tuneful, intoxicating ways over and over again and in a voice that was completely unique. Even his trademark slide guitar sound seemed to be a merging of the electric guitar and the sitar, congealing into a style that is forever linked to him. To me, that is absolute genius and glory all wrapped up in one.
With John Lennon, my emotions contain considerable solemnity, obviously so, due to the nature of his death. I was 11 years old on December 8, 1980, the very date when John was assassinated by a man whose name will never soil this blogsite. In fact, I didn't even know the news until the early morning of December 9th, when my Father woke me up for another day of 6th Grade and he very gently informed me of this unthinkable tragedy, something he purposefully chose not to do the night before as I was already sleeping and also because he didn't want to upset me.

My full memories of that day are a little hazy now. But I do remember feeling as if I were in the most impenetrable of fogs. All I wanted that day at school was to listen to The Beatles and gather as much news information as I was able to try and understand not only what had happened but why. Everyone that knew me at that time in my life knew that I was a Beatles fanatic and those four men were nothing less than giants to me. My fiends offered their condolences to me throughout the day and by the time I was able to go home, I listened to the radio and watched the news for as long as my parents would allow.

To this day, I feel that John Lennon was one of the most uniquely idiosyncratic artists that has existed within my lifetime. While he certainly pushed and challenged cultural buttons, a trait to which I can understand how some would find themselves offended or threatened, I cannot and will never understand how anyone could have taken away a singer/songwriter/musician away from the world so thoughtlessly and so violently.

While John Lennon was indeed a giant, he also expressed and exposed himself in such an unflinching honesty, showing us all that he was just a man, a human being trying to sort it all out just like everyone else. John Lennon was unafraid to show us all of his flaws, his foibles and his failings and to do it so artfully, that at times we never even caught onto the fullness of his personal truths because he was so titanically gifted with that art and artistry of songwriting, also illustrated his genius and glory. His sheer economy of words and music, songs that were pointedly direct yet entirely open to a universe of interpretations. His ability to create and destroy mythologies over and again. And again, to be willing to lay himself emotionally bare for his art and for anyone who chose to listen to him was a gift that I could never possibly repay. Like George Harrison, John Lennon spoke about the world as he saw it and without any sense of proselytizing. The connections were all left up to us.
I take this time to celebrate George Harrison and John Lennon not only because they will forever be heroes to me, but because my feelings for them fully represent what Synesthesia is all about. This site is a place of celebration, appreciation and honor and I hope that with everything I write, you are all able to find the love and passion I hold for the universe of music and those who partake in the continuing of its existence. 

To both George Harrison and John Lennon, how I will always love you both for every cherished moment that you gave to me just by being able to write and play music and having the bravery and willingness to share your gifts with the world. Music itself changed and was elevated just because of these two men and as I push forwards to a new month, I hope that all of you will keep listening, keep singing, keep playing and I hope that you keep feeling music's powerful connection and envelopment.

Finally, and as always, PLAY LOUD!!!!

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