Saturday, September 14, 2024



I don't tend to think in singles. I think in albums.

For me, a single is a way for the album to offer a salutation, a greeting, the moment the entire work offers a handshake, so to speak. Once the album arrives, the full conversation between the artist and their music with you the listener begins. At its best, is it a relationship that is formulated and one that never really ends but one that evolves over the time acquainted. Sometimes it deepens, sometimes, it is a relationship that is designed for a specific lace and time or sometimes, it is one that shifts its meaning and relevance as we all inevitably age...serving as warm nostalgia or even as a socking reminder of who we once happened to be and have now discarded. 

Yet, I do not wish to discredit the relevance of the single because sometimes, that greeting IS the full relationship and is all that is needed between that specific listener and the art. All that needs to be said and understood is right there in that deceptively small encounter, for the best singles can last a lifetime. 

It's weird but when I an crafting Savage Radio, I am thinking in terms of albums as far as the journey that I am hoping to take the listener upon. I imagine albums ides and such, trying to evoke that ephemeral feeling of travelling from one place and arriving in a new space emotionally. With Synesthesia, I also tend to think in albums, largely due to the length of the pieces as I do write long and with the feeling of trying to create the thing that I would love to read myself. 

And furthermore, most importantly, I am compelled to give credit to my Mother, who was always so demanding and meticulous with my school report assignments. She would evoke to me time and again, "Anyone off the street should be able to pick this thing up and know exactly what you are talking about. There are no shortcuts so be thorough."

When I write, I try to think of absolutely everything that I wish to say for in my mind, I am writing this thing just once and so...accordingly, get it all in there. But, if you have ever visited this site, my output has slowed considerably since the pandemic and I really have no need to get into all of those explanations again as they exist here in past postings should you wish for more detail. That being said, I am not understanding that I am also getting in my own way, to a degree.

Now, everything I have written on this site has not necessarily been an "album." There are shorter pieces, especially when Synesthesia began. But, quickly over time, I became a bit consumed with this question if certain postings were "long enough."  So, I would just add and add until I had an "album." Yet, over time, as I have held myself to that standard, the pieces that exist in my head never find themselves here on Synesthesia...and so, whatever hope for output slows to nothing. 

So...I want to try to think a bit more in "singles" while not abandoning my "album" leanings. I want to try to write short pieces and get them out there for myself and for you while still finding the ways and the balance at being complete. I have one or two of these singles waiting patiently to be released. 

So...I am going to try...again.

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